Rob Greenfield

Rob Greenfield

American Adventurer, Environmental Activist, and Entrepreneur


ROB GREENFIELD is a renowned American adventurer, environmental activist, and entrepreneur. He has made it his life’s purpose to inspire a healthy Earth, often with attention-grabbing tactics. Rob is also a writer and speaker, world traveler, ambassador to One Percent for the Planet, and The Greenfield Group founder. Greenfield has also cycled across the U.S. three times on a bamboo bicycle, spreading his message to promote sustainability and earth-friendly living within the United States. Rob’s first bike ride across the U.S. is also being converted into a book, Dude Making a Difference.

Rob is dedicated to leading the way to a more sustainable and just world. He is known as the creator of The Food Waste Fiasco, which is a campaign that strives to end food waste and hunger in the U.S. He has dove into more than two thousand dumpsters across the United States to demonstrate how nearly half of all food in the U.S. is wasted. At the same time, 50 million (1 in 7) Americans are food insecure.

Rob is also known as “The Trash Man” for his month-long project wherein he consumed like the average American for one month and wore all the trash he created. The purpose of his project was to create a shocking visual of how much garbage just one person generates. He donates 100% of his media income to grassroots nonprofit organizations, and his financial net worth is kept to a bare minimum.

Rob has been featured on thousands of media outlets, including National Geographic, BBC, CBS This Morning, Discovery Channel, USA Today, LA Times, The Guardian, Huffington Post, and many more. By living in this manner, Rob aims to tell that true happiness, health, and freedom do not accumulate money and possessions. Rather they come from a deep connection to our surroundings, the earth’s resources that are freely available to us all, relationships, and love.

Books by Rob Greenfield

  • Greenfield, Rob (2016). Dude Making a Difference: Bamboo Bikes, Dumpster Dives, and Other Extreme Adventures Across America. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers.
  • Greenfield, Rob (2021). Food Freedom: A Year of Growing and Foraging 100 Percent of My Food and Why It Matters. Gabriola Island, BC: New Society Publishers.
  • Food Freedom -A Year of Growing and Foraging 100 Percent of My Food and Why It Matters – Preorder
  • Zero Waste Kids: Hands-On Projects and Activities to Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle


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